Bribe Busters is an animated video series for children created by TRACE. The series, which consists of three five-minute episodes, follows four friends who defend fairness and right injustices around the world with the help of T.R.A.C.E., a time travel teleportation supercomputer. Together, they form the Bribe Busters! Their mission: to ensure that children everywhere have a fair future.
Bribe Busters is one of the many initiatives TRACE has developed in support of its mission of advancing commercial transparency worldwide. Bribe Busters was created to raise awareness and education of anti-bribery around the world by teaching children about corruption and its impact on society.
Through the Bribe Busters videos and accompanying comic books, TRACE is providing communities around the world with the tools to educate children on corruption and to prepare them to be the next generation of leaders in the fight against it.
The videos and comic books are available in English, French and Spanish.
“Corruption is one of the greatest obstacles to economic and social development and increases inequality. We hope that Bribe Busters will raise awareness of the damaging effects of corruption on development, equality and good governance, and prepare children to be the next generation of leaders in the fight against it.”
Founder and President, TRACE