
Aerospace / Defense / Security

Corporate Headquarters

Stockholm, Sweden

Summary of Allegations:

Nationality of Foreign Officials: Brazil

Summary of Allegations:

Former Brazilian president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva allegedly used his influence to convince the Brazilian government to buy Saab's Gripen jet fighters for the Brazilian Air Force. In exchange, Saab allegedly provided more than 2.5 million reais (USD 740,000) to Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva’s son, Luís Cláudio Lula da Silva. The alleged bribe was paid by Marcondes & Mautoni, a Saab intermediary in Brazil, to a company allegedly owned by Luís Cláudio Lula da Silva.

In late 2013, the Brazilian government announced that it had chosen the Gripen NG fighter jet produced by Saab.

In June 2018, the Brazilian government is investigating Lula for allegedly receiving a bribe of $606,000 in favor of Saab's Jas Gripen aircraft over French manufacturer Rafale and Boeing for a $4.5 billion purchase contract. The Brazilian government and Saab clinched the deal of 36 fighter jets in 2014, shortly after Lofven became the Prime Minister.

Approximate Alleged Payments to Foreign Officials: award of government contracts

Business Advantage Allegedly Obtained: illegal payments of more than 2.5 million reais (USD 750,000); a bribe of $606,000

Enforcement Results

Agencies: Brazil: Public Prosecutor's Office

Results: Prosecution of Public Officials

Year Resolved:

Compliance Monitor:

Ongoing: Yes


On 9 December 2016, former Brazilian president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva was charged with influence peddling, money laundering and conspiracy. On the same day, Luís Cláudio Lula da Silva was charged with money laundering and conspiracy. Both individual denies any wrongdoing.

On 17 December 2016, Judge Vallisney de Souza Oliveira ruled that there is sufficient evidence to both both men on trial.


Agencies: Brazil: Public Prosecutor's Office


Year Resolved:

Compliance Monitor:

Ongoing: Yes


In December 2016, Saab announced that Saab had strict policies regarding business deals and that it was cooperate fully with the Brazilian authorities. No Saab employees have been charged.

9 June 2018, following a Brazilian judge’s request, Sweden’s Prime Minister Stefan Lofven testified in court regarding sales of Saab's Jas Gripen aircraft in a corruption case related to the former Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva. The court also questioned Saab Chairman Marcus Wallenberg and President and CEO Hakan Buskhe.

Lofven testified he had promoted the sale before taking office, but denied knowledge of the bribe, meeting with Lula in 2013, or acquaintance with Mauro Marcondes who allegedly intermediated between Saab and Lula. Both Wallenberg and Buskhe refuted any affiliation or acquaintance with Marcondes.

  • Saab AB
  • Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (former president of Brazil)
  • Luís Cláudio Lula da Silva (son of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva)
  • Marcondes & Mautoni
  • Stefan Lofven (Sweden's Prime Minister)
  • Marcus Wallenberg (Chairman of Saab)
  • Hakan Buskhe (President and CEO of Saab)
  • Mauro Marcondes (intermediary between Lula and Saab)
Details Of How Conduct Was Discovered

Discovery Method: Government Investigation


The investigation involving Saab and da Silva grew out of an anticorruption investigation known as Operation Zealots, which started out examining a disputes tribunal at the country’s tax agency.

Country: Brazil